League of Legends - Reworked Vladimir Mid - Full Game Commentary
Conclusion: Vladimir is still pretty dang strong. _________________________________________________________________. Subscribe:.
League of Legends: Taliyah Jungle (Full Game Commentary) !!
So this is my second attempt at a full game commentary. We played the new champion Taliyah, who in my opinion is not too bad. I think her W needs some work as it see...
League of Legends: Taliyah Jungle - 3/4/4 (Full Game Commentary) !!
This champion seems to be okay but some tweaks to her kit would be welcome. Something just. doesn't work. But anyway, we did okay for our first game with her. Could...
League of Legends - Varus ADC - Full Game Commentary
Varus is one of the few adc's I still find some enjoyment with. also the lane matchup is rather humorous. _________________________________________________________...
League of Legends: Caitlyn ADC - Full Game Commentary!
MY first upload. Not too bad of a game but could have gone a whole lot better. I am always looking to improve. IF you have ideas for series that you would like too s...