speed boost
Halo 5: Guardians - Prophet's Bane + 4 Speed Boost
Halo 5: Guardians - Prophet's Bane + 4 Speed Boost. I know its not all 4 speed boosts for all clips only the ones that i destroy in but yeah. Hey everyone thanks for...
Halo 5: Guardians - Warzone Turbo 68-1 Unfriggenbelievable with SPNKr Prime/Oathsworn/Prophet's Bane
Unfriggenbelievable in Warzone Turbo using the SPNKr Prime, Oathsworn and the Prophet's Bane with a bunch of power ups. Hope you enjoy :). Controller Settings (Elite...
Nornfang | Prophets' Bane - Combo Series - Halo 5 Guardians
Hey guys. Welcome to the Twenty-third episode of 'Combo Series'. This is where i take two power weapons and use them in the same life in Warzone to see how well i ca...