space game
VoidExpanse - REVIEW - June 2016 [SPACE GAMES]
VoidExpanse is a game I often see on sale and although it didn't have a particularly appealing trailer or graphics, I decided to give it a try and was pleasantly sur...
Goat Simulator - Waste of Space - REVIEW - May 2016 [SPACE GAMES]
Goat Simulator is a hilarious genre mush up that parodies various games and with a new DLC it takes us to space and allows us to play through various Sci-Fi missions...
[SPACE GAMES] Duskers REVIEW - May 2016
Duskers is a very intriguing and unique indie space exploration game. You play as a sole survivor of a catastrophic event, about which you know nothing. Your goal is...
Space Pirates and Zombies 2 (SPAZ 2) - Ep. 1 - A New Space Pirate! - SPAZ 2 Gameplay
- - - - -. SPAZ 2 Gameplay Overview:. In SPAZ 2 you must survive in an evolving post apocalyptic Galaxy. The zombie threat is defeated, infrastructure has collapsed,...
Elite: Dangerous Horizons - My First Planetary Landing
A quick trip down to the surface of one of the moons in Horizons. I also take a quick look at the new planetary approach modules, and drive around the surface in an...
Elite: Dangerous - Patch 1.5 First Look - New Missions, Change + Imp Cutter & Fed Corvette
The beta for patch 1.5 Ships launched earlier today, containing the Imperial Cutter and the Federal Corvette, here is a first look at some of the content. The other...
Elite: Dangerous - Planetary Landings - Why Should I Want It?
Planet landing, is one of the things planned for the future of Elite. But will it be any good, and what sort of content can we expect. I stretch my imagination and t...
3302 Elite: Dangerous - Mission Board Changes, Ice Mining, Traffic Control, New Weapon Mods
I take a look at some of the new and upcoming features of The Engineers Patch 2.1 and Patch 1.6 for the PC and Xbox. Border Coalition Video:.
Anno 2205 - Announcement CGI trailer - E3 2015 [Europe]
ANNO 2205 - the beloved city-builder takes off into space. Join human-kind‘s next step into the future, with the promise to build a better tomorrow..
Dreadnought - Official Gamescom 2015 Trailer
In Dreadnought, you are the commander of a gargantuan battleship in an ever-expanding sci-fi universe. Check out the gamescom trailer for Dreadnought. Visit all of o...