The "Strange" Game...
Hello guys and gals, me Mutahar again. This fine Thursday we play a game simply known for being strange. if walking down your hallway sends triggers down your spine...
A "Spooky" Game called Covetous...
Hello guys and gals, me Mutahar again. This time we take a look at a game called Covetous which focuses on parasites and spooky happenings in a young lads growing bo...
"Wilderness" (Haunted Gaming)
Hello guys and gals, me Mutahar again. What happens behind the doors of a PR meeting regarding some questionable items in an edutainment game could be anyone's guess...
"Super Metroid" (Haunted Gaming)
Hello guys and gals, me Mutahar again. This time we go back to Super Metroid and check out a creepypasta all about a player's return to this game. is it filled to th...
Nintendo and Minecraft...
Hello guys and gals, me Mutahar again. This time we take a look at the copyright and content-ID warfare raging in the past few days when coming across the mighty swo...
Creepy Gaming - MGSV Secrets, Theories, & Revelations
* SEASON 6 - EPISODE 1 * Ladies and gentlemen. IT'S SHOWTIME. Join Mullet Mike Hardcastle as he journeys ONCE AGAIN into a brand new season of CREEPY GAMING. In this...