[Live] Shiny Sliggoo Reaction! | Shiny Living Dex #705 | Pokemon X and Y
**Shiny Pokemon Living Pokedex Rules**. Shiny Pokemon Must have a Video to Prove I've Caught the Shiny Pokemon, or that Shiny Pokemon Does NOT Count Towards the Shin...
FREE POKEMON! How to Get a Free Manaphy in Pokemon X/Y/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire!
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1st ENCOUNTER SHINY BIBAREL! | Shiny Living Dex #400 | Pokemon X and Y
**Shiny Pokemon Living Pokedex Rules**. Shiny Pokemon Must have a Video to Prove I've Caught the Shiny Pokemon, or that Shiny Pokemon Does NOT Count Towards the Shin...
[LIVE] SHINY KLEFKI REACTION! | Shiny Living Dex #707 | Pokemon X and Y
**Shiny Pokemon Living Pokedex Rules**. Shiny Pokemon Must have a Video to Prove I've Caught the Shiny Pokemon, or that Shiny Pokemon Does NOT Count Towards the Shin...
[LIVE] SHINY ABRA REACTION! | Shiny Living Dex #063 | Pokemon X and Y
**Shiny Pokemon Living Pokedex Rules**. Shiny Pokemon Must have a Video to Prove I've Caught the Shiny Pokemon, or that Shiny Pokemon Does NOT Count Towards the Shin...