simcity video game series
Classic Games: SimCity 2000 (YouTube City Pt.35): The Long Rebuilding.
YouTube City Pt.35 on Origin. SimCity 2000, oh the memories!!!!!. THE city builder that made them possible. If you haven't played this yet, GO BUY IT!!!!!!!!!. This...
Classic Games: SimCity 2000 (YouTube City Pt.34): Not Again....
YouTube City Pt.33 on Origin. SimCity 2000, oh the memories!!!!!. THE city builder that made them possible. If you haven't played this yet, GO BUY IT!!!!!!!!!. This...
Die größten Skandale in Videospielen
Was ist High5. |--| High5 ist Euer Zuhause für Popkultur des 21. Jahrhunderts, interaktives Entertainment und all den digitalen Kram, den ihr liebt - egal ob Filme,...