shiny pokemon
LIVE Shiny Magikarp in Pokemon Rumble! My Longest Rumble Hunt Yet! 350+ Runs!
Summer vacation = shinies. I'm pretty excited to be hunting again, gonna try for at least 1 more today and I'm gonna try to be consistent throughout the summer for y...
SHINY POKEMON RACE! VS Hydros #2 ORAS #ShinyHuntingRace LIVE!
Previous Projects (Playlists):. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃. Let's Play #06 | Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Egglocke w/ JasonPlaysPokemon.
"SHINY HUNTING RACE VS JASONPLAYSPKMN!" - PART 2 - Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Livestream
Welcome to the Shiny Hunting Race versus JasonPlaysPokemon. Where Jason and I compete to find the most shinies on stream using various methods such as fish chaining,...
[Live] Shiny Sliggoo Reaction! | Shiny Living Dex #705 | Pokemon X and Y
**Shiny Pokemon Living Pokedex Rules**. Shiny Pokemon Must have a Video to Prove I've Caught the Shiny Pokemon, or that Shiny Pokemon Does NOT Count Towards the Shin...
Shiny Staraptor! GTS Giveaway #53 - Pokémon X/Y & ORAS
(Open - Restocking) Welcome to my 53rd GTS giveaway for Pokemon X and Y / Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I will be giving 60 shiny Staraptor (First-come, first-serve...
Shiny Swellow! GTS Giveaway #52 - Pokémon X/Y & ORAS
Welcome to my 52nd GTS giveaway for Pokemon X and Y / Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I will be giving 60 shiny Swellows (First-come, first-served & Ladies First). Yo...
POKEMON SHINY HUNTING #8 - The shiny seedot shall be mine!
➜Fan Art. Send it to my twitter or email me at [email protected]. ➜Fan Mail. Send to:. jakepeter. 1122 East Pike Street #1004. Seattle, WA 98122-3934. ➜Why sh...
SHINY XERNEAS! Quest For Shiny Living Dex #716 | Pokemon ORAS
A Shiny Xerneas for our Shiny Living Dex. This is a rare exception to our Living Dex where I obtain a Shiny Xerneas through a Mystery Gift, as there is no other way...
Live Giant Chasm Shiny Solrock in White 2 - 1778 Pokémon Seen!
I'm extremely happy with how this hunt ended up. You can't get much better than that, hopefully this makes my illness go away. |--| Connect with me:.
★ LIVE SHINY ★ Tranquill & Unfezant Reaction | XY Shiny Pokémon Hunting | Gen 6 Flying Friend Safari
We are B Button Bits. We are a dorky gamer couple, Z Button Mel & Start Button Stan, that create YouTube and Twitch content. We specialize in Nintendo related educat...
SHINY SIMISAGE! Pansage Live Reaction! Quest For Shiny Living Dex #512 | Pokemon XY
A Shiny Simisage for our Shiny Living Dex. Simisage is my favorite of the monkey trio and definitely the best looking in my opinion. After already catching a shiny p...
Shiny Garchomp GTS Giveaway + Weekly Pokemon Giveaway
Here's a very requested pokemon that I messed up on last time. I accidentally did excadrill XD. But all that set aside let's get on with the giveaway. The steps are...
Pokemon ORAS Live Shiny Hunting! (Shiny Honedge)
Today we are shiny hunting, on the hunt for a shiny honedge via the masuda method. if you enjoyed make sure to smash that like button below. -. ----. Subscri...
Shiny Donphan/Skarmory GTS Giveaway [Pokemon xy/oras]
Sorry for the lack of well everything. Overwatch is highly addictive and I've been working on getting some crazy gameplay for you guys. I kind of want to do an Overw...
1st ENCOUNTER SHINY BIBAREL! | Shiny Living Dex #400 | Pokemon X and Y
**Shiny Pokemon Living Pokedex Rules**. Shiny Pokemon Must have a Video to Prove I've Caught the Shiny Pokemon, or that Shiny Pokemon Does NOT Count Towards the Shin...
Shiny Darkrai after 16,000+ SRs on Newmoon Island! (Pokemon Platinum)
Support me on Patreon so I can save up for a 3DS Capture Card:.
SHINY FLETCHINDER! Live Reaction! Quest For Shiny Living Dex #662 | Pokemon XY
Shiny Fletchinder. This is actually one of my favorite 6th gen shinies. I'm surprised it took me this long to try for it, but ultimately I'm really stoked we got it....
SHINY POKEMON RACE! JasonPlaysPokemon VS Hydros ORAS #ShinyHuntingRace LIVE!
Welcome to our first ever Shiny Pokemon Race. Today I'm joined with Hydros. Him & I are facing off today to see who can obtain a Shiny Pokemon first. Who will win?....
"SHINY HUNTING RACE VS JASONPLAYSPKMN!" - Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Livestream
Welcome to the Shiny Hunting Race versus JasonPlaysPokemon. Where Jason and I compete to find the most shinies on stream using various methods such as fish chaining,...
THE BEST SHINY POKEMON!! | Pokemon Gold & Silver Randomizer Nuzlocke Versus w/ OPERATIONiDROID! #06
Upload Schedule. Monday - Wednesday - Friday. Uploads art at 9PM GMT - 4PM EST. Nuzlocke Rules & Infomation. 1- Any Pokémon that faints is considered "dead," and mus...
[LIVE] SHINY KLEFKI REACTION! | Shiny Living Dex #707 | Pokemon X and Y
**Shiny Pokemon Living Pokedex Rules**. Shiny Pokemon Must have a Video to Prove I've Caught the Shiny Pokemon, or that Shiny Pokemon Does NOT Count Towards the Shin...
SHINY BIBAREL! Live Reaction! Quest For Shiny Living Dex #400 | Pokemon XY
A Shiny Bibarel for our Shiny Living Dex. This day was insane when it came to shiny luck and Shiny Bibarel came out at the perfect time. -- Watch live at.
SHINY POOCHYENA! Pokemon Shiny Hunting DexNav Chain 6 - Shiny Poochyena Highlight
the majority of the time, and you'll see my shiny hunting reactions, hopefully without any shiny hunting dexnav fails. It's a good idea to try and get the Shiny Char...
[LIVE!!] Shiny UNCATCHABLE Poochyena in Pokemon Sapphire after 929 SRs
Well, that's another shiny I have to reclaim. Let's hope we don't see any more of these. Facebook.
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