Legion Beta Retribution Paladin Dungeon and Changes May 27th 2016
Legion Beta Retribution Paladin changes to Sanctified Wrath, Equality and Greater Blessing of Wisdom. Includes Eye of Azshara dungeon gameplay with logs (link below)...
Starcraft 1: Retribution - Zerg 11 - The Battle of Char
A commentated Let's Play and walkthrough of the Retribution expansion pack for Starcraft 1. Retribution is an actual, official add-on as per Blizzard despite being v...
Bhoz Gaming - 2vs2 First Day As Pala - WoW 6.2.4 Retribution Paladin PvP Arena
Hello Everyone :D. Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoy this video. Be sure to Like, Comment and Subscribe. Trying Retribution Paladin to decide What to play in Leg...
Dota 2 Single Draft | Axe Gameplay
I'm Kicking off a new SERIES!!. Enjoy. Email: [email protected]. Patreon: www.patreon.
Bhoz Gaming - Adventures of a Paladin Prt.1 - WoW 6.2.4 Ret Pala BG
Hello Everyone :D. Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoy this video. Be sure to Like, Comment and Subscribe. Let me know if you want 2nd part of this video. Help ME!...
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - 10 Things What We Know Till Now New Early Gameplay
* Thanks for watching and be excellent to each other in the comments. * GamesTech brings you daily videos about videogames, especially Pc games. * Join us for new g...