Lets Play The Sims 3 Doomsday Challenge Part 28: Were back Together!
Watch as we head into the household and see a marriage that needs repairs. will we be able to make the relationship right again. PS3: rebeccawilliams2. My Sims 3 Pag...
Lets Play The Sims 3 Black Widow Challenge Part 45: Almost Gone!
Watch as we get the house and sims ready to move because it is the last few days in Sunset Valley. PS3: rebeccawilliams2. My Sims 3 Page:.
Lets Play The Sims 3 Black Widow Challenge Part 46: Its over!
Watch as I show you where the family has moved to and how i set up the house for the next season. PS3: rebeccawilliams2. My Sims 3 Page:.
Lets Play The Sims 3 Black Widow Challenge Part 44: Its Almost Time!
Watch as we spend one more day completeing what we can with Pandora before we have to move onto the next heir. PS3: rebeccawilliams2. My Sims 3 Page:.