This Is How You DON'T Play Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks (Co-Op With John Rambo)
This video turned out to be way shorter than I expected, but it is what it is. Nothin' I could do about it, dood. Sorry about fucking up the timing of the comments a...
1988 Rambo (NES) Game Playthrough Retro Game
Rambo (ランボー Rambo) is a side-scrolling action-adventure video game produced by Pack-In-Video and released in North America by Acclaim on the Nintendo Entertainme...
My Future for Counter-Strike:Global Offensive - RR
I hope that at least some of my ideas will become a reality at some point, but I don't have my hopes high. |--| Some of my ideas might not work in real life..
Counter Strike: Global Offensive - Orendż AWP pls!!!!111oneone - #19
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