project main
Project Main: Aurelion Sol - League of Legends
Playing Aurelion Sol in the top lane. Runes: 3 AP Quints, 9 Flat Magic Pen Reds, 9 HP per Lvl Yellows, 9 Flat MR Blues. Masteries: 12/18/0 - Thunderlord's Decree. D...
Project Main: Ashe - League of Legends
Playing Heartseeker Ashe as ADC in the bot lane. Runes: 2 AS Quints, 1 Lifesteal Quint, 9 Flat AD Reds, 9 Flat AR Yellows, 9 Flat MR Blues. Masteries: 18/12/0 - Ferv...
Project Main: Anivia - League of Legends
Playing Anivia in the mid lane. Runes: 3 AP Quints, 9 Flat Magic Pen Reds, 9 Scaling HP per Lvl Yellows, 9 MR Blues. Masteries: 12/18/0 - Thunderlord's Decree. Day 6...
Project Main: Alistar - League of Legends
Playing support Alistar. Runes: 3 AP Quints, 9 Flat Magic Pen, 9 HP per Lvl Yellows, 9 Flat MR Blues. Masteries: 0/12/18 - Bond of Stone. Day 4 of Project Main. Proj...
Project Main: Ahri - League of Legends
Playing Foxfire Ahri in the mid lane. Runes: 3 AP Quints, 9 Flat MR Pen Reds, 9 Flat AR Yellows, 9 Flat MR Blues. Masteries: 12/18/0 - Thunderlord's Decree. Day 2 of...