pokémon super mystery dungeon
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon - Episode 72
Gibbs and Barnaby find the Djinn Bottle in Sahra Town, containing the mischievous Hoopa. We enter a dungeon with our new friend to see what he's capable of doing. Tw...
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon - Episode 71
Gibbs, Barnaby, and the Dashing Wanderer finish up Clear Lake by running into my favorite legendary Pokémon, Suicune. Twitter.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team Blue - ALL BOSSES
▼ Timestamps▼. STORY :. 00:00 - Skarmory. 01:13 - Medicham, Ekans & Gengar. 03:26 - Zapdos. 06:19 - Moltres. 08:54 - Articuno. 12:20 - Mankey Trio. 13:21 - Groudon....
Shiny Staraptor! GTS Giveaway #53 - Pokémon X/Y & ORAS
(Open - Restocking) Welcome to my 53rd GTS giveaway for Pokemon X and Y / Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I will be giving 60 shiny Staraptor (First-come, first-serve...
Shiny Swellow! GTS Giveaway #52 - Pokémon X/Y & ORAS
Welcome to my 52nd GTS giveaway for Pokemon X and Y / Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I will be giving 60 shiny Swellows (First-come, first-served & Ladies First). Yo...
Pokémon Sun and Moon - Legendary Typings! New Characters! Rotom PokéDex! 2nd Trailer Analysis
It's here. The second official trailer of Pokemon Sun and Moon. This trailer reveals the legends as Solgaleo, the Psychic/Steel type with the Full Metal Body ability...