Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Gameplay 54 - Pecados Thassilonianos 2
Continuamos con la campaña del Pathfinder Adventure Card Game o Juego de Cartas de Aventuras, creado por Mike Selinker y Paizo, y traído al español por Devir. Como y...
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - Gameplay 53 - Pecados Thassilonianos 1
Y tras un tiempo sin tener vídeos de este juego que nos gusta tanto, pasamos a un escenario duro de verdad que nos ha costado sangre y sudor pasarlo, los Pecados Tha...
D&D Pokemon Ep. 8 - Unfinished Business
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Improve Your Game Through Note Taking
Taking notes is not just for Dungeon Masters. Players can benefit greatly from jotting down a few notes on important elements of a session. Subscribe for more Tablet...
League of Legends - Pentakill Sona
No, I don't get a Pentakill, that's just the outfit I chose for my champion this session of a League of Legends match. Subscribe for more Tabletop Content:.