Dark Souls 3 - Bloodborne Hunter vs Poor Knights (PVP Bleed, Hollow, Luck Build) + Warden Twinblades
(Hollow) Warden Twinblades + Carthus Rouge. Lvl 115. Thx 'Zikitic' for farming these babies for me. Dark Souls 3 - Bloodborne Hunter vs Poor Knights (PVP Bleed, Holl...
UNCHARTED 4 (NO USING GUNS to Defeat Enemies) Gameplay Walkthrough Let’s Play Pt 18
Rules: MODERATE Difficulty + No using guns to defeat enemies (grenades & dynamite are fine). Can only use a gun to kill when you’re required to in order to progress...
Dark Souls 3 Hunger Games - GAMING IS AMAZIN' Ep 1
GAMING IS AMAZIN. The new charity-focused show from TerraMantis. In this episode. Dark Souls Hungry Games. These Are the Contestants: DaveControl, The Beautiful Lobo...