ned stark
What Bran Stark’s New Power Means for Game of Thrones! (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot)
Game of Thrones has been full of magic lately and we got another glimpse of that yesterday, but what does it mean for the series. Jessica looks to the future (WITH S...
Dark Souls III: The Witcher & Friends (+ BONUS!!!)
Hey Gang. In this video I made my best attempt at making the cast of The Witcher in the Dark Souls III Character Creator. Let me know what you think in the comments...
Fury Warrior goes head to head against 2 Arms Warriors & 2 Prot Warriors in PVP. Epic Battle. Music courtesy of:.
Game of Thrones 6x05 - Hodor's Death Scene "HOLD THE DOOR!"
Meera desperately tries to shake Bran, telling him to warg into Hodor. The Raven says to listen to his friend. Bran wargs into Hodor. Meera manages to kill one of th...
Game of Thrones Temporada 6 | Recap Episodio #1
HBO presenta la sexta temporada de su serie original: Game of Thrones. La batalla por el Trono de Hierro se desatará nuevamente cuando las familias más poderosas de...
Game of Thrones Temporada 6 | Dentro del Episodio #2
HBO presenta la sexta temporada de su serie original: Game of Thrones. La batalla por el Trono de Hierro se desatará nuevamente cuando las familias más poderosas de...
Game of Thrones - 6x4 Book of the Stranger - Group Reaction
Wow, this is definitely shaping to be one of the best Seasons. The Normies react to Season 6, episode 4 of Game of Thrones titled Book of the Stranger. The Jon and S...