midrange shaman
Hearthstone Midrange Shaman S26 #4: Scary Scary
These games are from StrifeCro's May 30th Stream. For those who are new, the score on the top left reflects StrifeCro’s win/loss for today’s featured deck for this m...
[Hearthstone] Whispers of the Old Gods Midrange Shaman // N'Zoth Priest S26
Outro Song:. Pink's Glass by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (.
Hearthstone Midrange Shaman S26 #3: AOE Bait
These games are from StrifeCro's May 30th Stream. For those who are new, the score on the top left reflects StrifeCro’s win/loss for today’s featured deck for this m...
Hearthstone Strifecro Playing Midrange Shaman For Legend Rank 1
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Hearthstone Midrange Shaman S26 #1: Minus One Doomhammer
Today's game are from StrifeCro's May 24th Stream. For those who are new, the score on the top left reflects StrifeCro’s win/loss for today’s featured deck for this...
Hearthstone: Kolento plays midrange shaman (#32)
Kolento plays midrange shaman on NA ladder. If you wanna support Kolento then please make sure to follow him on:. ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ Twitch:.
Hearthstone: Kolento plays midrange shaman (#30)
Kolento plows through NA ladder using midrange shaman. If you wanna support Kolento then please make sure to follow him on:. ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ Twitch:.
Hearthstone: Kolento plays midrange shaman (#31)
Kolento plays midrange shaman on NA ladder. If you wanna support Kolento then please make sure to follow him on:. ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ Twitch:.
Hearthstone Evolve Midrange Shaman (Xamã Evoluir) Standard #495
Hearthstone Deck Evolve Midrange Shaman (Xamã Evoluir) Standard Ranked (Padrão) #495. Neste vídeo de Hearthstone eu jogo 3 partidas de ranked com um deck de Envolve...
Hearthstone Evolve Midrange Shaman (Xamã Evoluir) Parte 2 Standard #498
Hearthstone Deck Evolve Midrange Shaman (Xamã Evoluir) Parte 2 Standard Ranked (Padrão) #498. Neste vídeo de Hearthstone eu jogo 3 partidas de ranked com um deck de...
Class Tier List - June 2016 Standard Ranked - Hearthstone Meta Report - Top Decks
It's Hearthstone, so let's rank some decks and classes. In this video I reassess my predictions at release of Whispers of the Old Gods. What new powerhouses did WotO...