The Witcher 3 Blood And Wine - Nude Painting Model (Uncensored/Censored Comparison)
(We will be rewarded for purchases made using this link which will then be put back into the channel.). Check the playlist out for more Raw Comparisons:.
The Witcher 3 Blood And Wine - Bruxa Enemies' Nudity (Uncensored/Censored Comparison)
(We will be rewarded for purchases made using this link which will then be put back into the channel.). Check the playlist out for more Uncensored/Censored Compariso...
The Witcher 3 Blood And Wine - Regis Stabbed In The Chest (Uncensored/Censored Comparison)
(We will be rewarded for purchases made using this link which will then be put back into the channel.). Check the playlist out for more Uncensored/Censored Compariso...
Hot Banned Video Game Ads - Censored Gaming
This video takes a look at the video game ads that were banned for being too hot. This video includes:. Davis Cup Tennis/Davis Cup World Tour's ass shot advert. Top...
The Boobs Censored In Japan - Censored Gaming
Which region censors boobs more. The US, Europe, Australia. or Japan. This video includes:. God Of War 3. LA Noire. Far Cry 3. Red Dead Redemption. Dragon Age Inquis...
God Of War 3 Censorship - Censored Gaming
This video compares the censorship made to God Of War 3 in Japan and in God Of War 3 Remastered worldwide. This video includes:. Censoring multiple Trophies in GoW3...
Does the Dead Island series have the most censored box art/covers of all time. Even the logo had to be censored in the US. This video includes:. Dead Island 1. Dead...
Style Savvy/Style Boutique Censorship - Censored Gaming Ft. SharkyHatGamer
This video compares the censorship made to the Style Savvy/Style Boutique series outside of Japan. This video includes:. Changing Pario's sex from male to female, re...
Sexual Lyrics Get Hatsune Miku Game Pulled From Korean Stores
Censored Gaming is the definitive resource for censorship - committed to covering every example of video game censorship. Make sure you have subscribed to stay up-to...
Toy Story 2 Censorship - Censored Gaming
Censored Gaming is the definitive resource for censorship - committed to covering every example of video game censorship. Make sure you have subscribed to stay up-to...
Persona 2 (Series) Censorship - Censored Gaming Ft. Gnoggin
This video compares the censorship made to Shin Megami Tensei Persona 2 Innocent Sin on the PSP and Persona 2 Eternal Punishment outside of Japan. This censorship in...