live game
StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void - The Zergling Runby!
Zergling runby's are surprisingly powerful when executed correctly. While the meta often times dictates what the common Zerg and Terran strategies are, minor changes...
World of Tanks [ENG] - 1080p 60FPS - Silent Gaming - (Xbox One,PC,PS4) Elgato HD60
1080p 60FPS Livestream from my X1 Gameplay, hope you enjoy the "Panzer" :) please like and subscribe for more :) MadMax.
World of Tanks [German] 1080p 60FPS Silent Gaming - MadMaxFPV (Xbox One,PC,PS4) Elgato HD60
No Commentary Livestream in 1080p 60FPS of me playing World of Tanks on my X1. Enjoy, and check out my other videos pls :).
World of Tanks - 1080p 60FPS - Silent Gaming - (Xbox One,PC,PS4) Elgato HD60
No Commentary Livestream in 1080p 60FPS of me playing World of Tanks on my X1. Enjoy, subscribe for more and check out my other videos pls :).
World Of Tanks [German] - 1080p 60FPS - Silent Gaming - (Xbox One,PC,PS4) Elgato HD60
1080p 60FPS Livestream von meiner X1, Liken und subscriben für mehr :).
Archeage Open Beta Opening Archeum Supply Crate x9
Arche age is a sandbox MMORPG that the players have correctly named a sandpark becuase it is a mix of both themepark mmos and sandbox mmos. There are millions of thi...