liquid cooled
SC Gaming: DOOM Playthrough: Part 2
In part 2 I continue playing Doom on CB21, an amazing build. This game is so much fun. I play through most of Meltdown, pick up new weapons and upgrades and fight so...
SC Gaming: Black Mesa Playthrough: Part 4
In part 4 I play through Blast Pit and reach the beginning of Power Up. |--| Please Subscribe, Like and Favourite if you want to see more. MDPC-X:.
SC Gaming: DOOM Playthrough: Part 1
An SC playthrough of the new Doom. In this video I play Doom on SC CB21. Its a beast, the performance is epic. This game is insane, the graphics, the violence, just...
$2000 GTX 1080 Watercooled Gaming PC Build
Figured since everyone was hyped about the 1080 release, I could add some fuel to the fire. |--| unBIOSed Reviews is committed to providing completely unbiased, unsp...