League of Legends Ranked-Gold 5 + Concurs
Pentru inregistrat console:Live Gamer HD. |--| Pentru inregistrat pe PC :OBS sau Bandicam. Specs:. -Intel I5 3550 3.3GHz-3.7GHz Quadcore. -16Gb RAM 1600MHz. -nVidia...
Let the Carnage begin! Bloodborne Let's Play, Episode 2.
Hello everyone. |--| Allen and Evan are back and proud to bring you an amazing game from the playstation 4 library, blood borne. |--| I am very excited to play this...
S*@# Getting Real Now! - Five Nights at Freddy's - Episode #4
- Hello. I am the Morphsuit Gamer. Playing games in a Morphsuit is incredibly difficult due to poor vision, my poor decision making, and rambling. So come watch me s...
FAMILY FRIENDLY Explanation of Problems with Blank Media Games
A cuss-free version of my issues with Town of Salem developers "Blank Media Games", as requested. Josh Brittain (Achilles) lying:.
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