The Park Bully ep. 3 | Shutting down some young boys
Flock playing at the park against a team of young smack talkers with a team of RANDOMS. Gaming illuminaughty Series. ● Gi Rants -.
Gaming Journalism Is A Joke
The Black Hokage shares his thoughts on the current state of todays "Gaming Journalism". OverWatch PC gameplay is running in the background. ● Subscribe To My Channe...
Kaufen Game-Studios gute Bewertungen?
Auf diesem neuen Kanal präsentieren euch TopZehn und Computerion Verschwörungstheorien und Fakten, die euch bestimmt so noch nicht bewusst waren. Die Wahrheit ist ir...
Should Game Reviewers Be GOOD at Games? Polygon Doom Gameplay Sucks Response
Polygon has been slammed for uploading bad Doom gameplay. Should reviewers be good at games. VGN Video Game News:.