insane player
EPIC TINY - Alliance.Lod[A].HyperX - DOTA 2 - v6.87d- [Mid lane] - [GANKER] - [GAME PLAY]
How to Ganking??. Let's see!. |--| Perfect tiny by Alliance.Lod[A].HyperX + IO EGM. Match 2371611295.
Excuse ME! Let's share your life? - SumaiL - Perfect Pugna - ranked match - DOTA 2 - [HIGHLIGHT]
EG.SumaiL - ranked match. KDA 22/0/11. Match 2372439354. super pugna.
SNIPER! Don't think you can run dude!!!- DOTA 2 - 6.87 - Shift HIDE - [Highlight]
Who says sniper is WEAK????????. That's true!!. HAHAHA. Keep you safe from harm to farm or gank. |--| If possible, don't forget to make shadow blade or blink dagger....