Minecraft Mods FTB Inventions - BASIC EXCHANGE [E02]
Like FTB Inventions. Thumbs Up. Manually grinding ores is a real pain so let's get a few basic machines setup to help us process ores. We'll also take a look at Equi...
Minecraft Mods Regrowth - CRUCIBLE FURNACE [E06] (Modded HQM)
Want more FTB Regrowth. Thumbs Up. I want to start getting into the Tinkers' Tools so we can look at building a proper base. We need seared stone to make a tool forg...
Minecraft Mods FTB Inventions - NEW ADVENTURE [E01]
Like FTB Inventions. Thumbs Up. We're setting off on a new adventure with a brand new tech oriented mod pack. This is FTB Inventions. PLAYLIST. LINKS.
Minecraft Mods Regrowth - ESSENCE SEEDS [E05] (Modded HQM)
Want more FTB Regrowth. Thumbs Up. In order for us to progress in this modpack we're going to need to start into magic crops. We'll need to generate some mana from B...
Minecraft Mods Regrowth - EARLY NETHER [E04] (Modded HQM)
Want more FTB Regrowth. Thumbs Up. We don't have access to any metal resources yet and I'd like to make a pair of sheers. I've seen that we have the Nether Ores mod...
Minecraft Mods Regrowth - FLOWER POWER [E03] (Modded HQM)
Want more FTB Regrowth. Thumbs Up. Now that food isn't so much of an issue we can continue on with our questing. We'll get our Enderman kill that's needed first off....
Minecraft Mods Regrowth - FOOD SHORTAGE [E02] (Modded HQM)
Want more FTB Regrowth. Thumbs Up. We're still at the beginning stages in this modpack and simple things like food are an issue. Let's start into a little agricraft...
Minecraft Mods Regrowth - DESOLATE WASTELAND [E01] (Modded HQM)
Want more FTB Regrowth. Thumbs Up. We're starting a brand new adventure into the Regrowth Modpack that is a 3rd party FTB pack. This is kind of sort of similar to th...
Minecraft Mods Project Ozone - THE END [E42] (Modded HQM Sky Block)
Want more Project Ozone. Thumbs Up. There's a few quests remaining so let's get to them and check out the awesome turrets. We also have to fight the Guardian of Gaia...
Minecraft Mods 1.8.9 - GETTING STARTED [E01]
Want more Modded 1.8.9. Thumbs Up. Let's take a look at some of the newer mods that are now available for Modded Minecraft 1.8.9. This will most likely be a short te...
Minecraft Mods 1.8.9 - WIRE PROBLEMS [E09]
Want more Modded 1.8.9. Thumbs Up. After last episode logging back in resulted in the world not loading. With some trial and error (and a few days to figure it out)...
Minecraft Mods 1.8.9 - POWER & QUARRY [E08]
Want more Modded 1.8.9. Thumbs Up. We've been running low on resources so I think it's time that we hook up our first quarry. It seems we have a couple of options fo...
Minecraft Mods 1.8.9 - STRANGE END [E07]
Want more Modded 1.8.9. Thumbs Up. Last time we discovered the end portal. This time we're going to the end. Let's defeat that dragon and unlock the ability to farm...
Minecraft Mods 1.8.9 - RAILGUN FLIGHT [E06]
Want more Modded 1.8.9. Thumbs Up. I'd like to get flight going on our Power Armor, however we're lacking ender pearls. The best place to farm ender pearls is the en...
Minecraft Mods 1.8.9 - TINKER TABLE [E05]
Want more Modded 1.8.9. Thumbs Up. We are in need of emeralds to make a tinker table. We tried and failed mining for one in the mining dimension last time so we're g...