MineCraft : Home Base #20 查探裝備去向!?
上一次經過炸屋事件 TD偵探交帶比我 要我查一查裝備究竟係邊個到 所以我去搵番有關人員. 仲唔快訂閱我啦喂 ➜.
Jurassic World: Minecraft Dinosaurs | LET'S BUILD A FARM (Playthrough Part 32)
After talking about it for 5 episodes or something I finally found a good place to build a hopefully-not-as-dull-as-The-Walking-Dead's farm. Mod list as of this epis...
MineCraft : Home Base #19 香辣蘑菇牛外送服務
係時候要做下生意 :DDD 上一次帶左一堆蘑菇牛去我倉庫到. 不如將牛牛送出去比其他人 不過我唔知到底有幾多個人要. 所以比D宣傳單張佢地 睇下有幾多個人需要呢隻牛牛 XDD. 仲唔快...
Jurassic World: Minecraft Dinosaurs | ISLANDS IN THE SKY (Playthrough Part 31)
During a boating adventure with Boaty McBoatface - we spot something in the distance. a glowing green island. WHAT'S ON IT. Trees. But still. Mod list as of this epi...