Ground Pound Boost Pt2 - Technique of the Week Episode 14 (Halo 5)
A lot of you have seen us doing some of these in our previous videos, now we finally have a tutorial. The grenade boost was originally found by Saby and the other me...
BREAKING OUT OF THE MAP ~ Antifreeze, Halo 5
in which AntiPro and I show you a handful of methods for breaking out of the big team battle map, Antifreeze. Enjoy the video. Make sure to leave a rating and stick...
Halo 5 - Most Suicides in a Single Game?! // Champion Level FFA
Never fell off the map so much in a single game. // Livestream:.
Halo 5 - GAMESHARK ACTIVATED // Champion Level FFA
Started a Coliseum game late. so I had to whip out the Gameshark and go to town. |--| // Livestream:.
SHINOBI - A Halo 5 Ninja Montage
xbox record that. Xbox Gamertag ➤ Hohshua. Twitch ➤.
Call of Duty: Episode 2: Top Five Final Kill-Cams (Shutter Gaming)
This weeks Top Five Final Kill-Cams. Chosen by Shutter Gaming..