high elo
Katarina Montage - High Elo - League of Legends
Thanks for watching my Katarina montage. Please like and subscribe. Submit your best plays at my email (Replay.GG, other replay softwares): apathoic@gmail.com. Submi...
High Elo Master Yi Montage l League of Legends
Hey Guys. It's Song Song TV again :D This is my second montage film. |--| Hope you guys enjoy this one !. ▶ Player : cowsep (He's in Korean server), thaNaGod, 라드2,...
High Elo Plays Montage | Ranked Games (League Of Legends) Season 6
Si quieres mas videos asi no olvides decirmelo en los comentarios, dale like y suscribete :3.
SYNDRA MID - Rework dos Magos - League of Legends
Esse canal é destinado ao jogo League of legends , Espero que gostem dos Videos ,. INSCREVA-SE. Intro lalala - A Day to Remember - If It Means A Lot To You.
7 Champs You Hate Playing With AND Against - League of Legends
A look at some of the most frustrating champions to see on both the enemy team and your team. Not really that serious, please don't rage. ➥Enjoy the video. SUBSCRIBE...
Best Play Zed Azoh - Season 6 - League of Legends - 2016
Music provided by YT:. Deep Hat. Crystal. Thanks for watching :D. Like and subscribe for more.
Why to climb you need to MAKE PLAYS not WAIT FOR PLAYS (League of Legends)
Why to climb you need to MAKE PLAYS not WAIT FOR PLAYS (League of Legends).
ZIGGS MID Gameplay - Rework dos Magos - League of Legends
Esse canal é destinado ao jogo League of legends , Espero que gostem dos Videos ,. INSCREVA-SE. Intro lalala - A Day to Remember - If It Means A Lot To You.
BEST CHAMPIONS with the NEW TRINITY FORCE (League of Legends)
I've had this question asked a lot, so here are my top 8 champs with the new Tri Force. |--| General Best Picks in 6.11 -.
How to Carry #4 - GRENADE AMUMU JUNGLE (Full AP) - League of Legends Unranked to Diamond
RUNES. Red - AS or Hybrid Pen. Yellow - Armour. Blues - AP. Quints - AP. MASTERIES - 12/0/18 Strength of the Ages or 12/18/0 Thunderlords Decree. ★Like me on Faceboo...
Cowsep Stream Highlights EP 85: Play of the Game
Music at the end. Jon Andreas Edland - Facing Greater Forces.
Top 5 Junglers for Low Elo - League of Legends
The most winningest junglers for low elo, and how to play them. Check out ProGuides -.
Who Should YOU Main in League of Legends?
Having problems finding your main champion in League of Legends. Look no further. Control Mages List:. -Anivia. -Heimerdinger. -Malzahar. -Lulu. -Orianna. -Zyra. -Ka...
Top 10 SOLO CARRY Champions In League of Legends (Also 300k Subs Giveaway!)
Thanks again for 300,000 subs. Here's the info for the giveaway with Huzz for 5x$10RP, 4x$25RP, Siberia 200 + Rival 100 (Open to all servers that have gifting or gif...
AKALI MID Gameplay - League of Legends
Esse canal é destinado ao jogo League of legends , Espero que gostem dos Videos ,. INSCREVA-SE. Intro lalala - A Day to Remember - If It Means A Lot To You.
MAKE LOVE NOT WAR. ➥Enjoy the video. SUBSCRIBE →.
Sniper Team Montage - Pro Outplays Compilation | League of Legends
☛ The next video you want to apply for comments or send gmail: contact.championmontage@gmail.com. ☛ You can submit your play to lrp, .bat and .replay only. ☛ We are...
How to Carry #3 - Kha'Zix Jungle - League of Legends (Unranked to Diamond)
RUNES. Red - AD. Yellow - Armour. Blues - MR. Quints - AD. MASTERIES - 12/18/0 Thunderlords/Stormraiders. ★Like me on Facebook:.
WHAT IF.. NEW ADC ITEM? Would It Work? Ep 1 (League of Legends)
Let me know what you think of this new series. |--| How to Fix QSS and Zed -.
Yasuo Montage #10 - Epic Yasuo Plays Compilation (League of Legends)
➤ Yasuo Montage #10 - Epic Yasuo Plays Compilation (League of Legends). ➤ Music :. Janji - Shine. Linne - Sea AirwaveMusic Release. JJD - Skyhigh AirwaveMusic Releas...
Правда про Гайды лига легенд ( League of Legends )
Правда про Гайды лига легенд ( League of Legends ). Как играть League of Legends ( гайд ). Правда League of Legends.
VLADIMIR TOP - Rework dos Magos - League of Legends
Esse canal é destinado ao jogo League of legends , Espero que gostem dos Videos ,. INSCREVA-SE. Intro lalala - A Day to Remember - If It Means A Lot To You.
The Blame Game - Tips for Solo Queue (League of Legends)
How to diffuse arguments between teammates, and how to improve faster. ➥Enjoy the video. SUBSCRIBE →.
6 OFF META Builds / Picks that are fun and still really strong (League of Legends)
6 OFF META Builds / Picks that are still really strong (League of Legends).
Lee Sin Montage - Episode 24 || Best Lee Sin Plays ft. AnM AzOoL || League of Legends
Music:. 1.Pegboard Nerds - Emergency [Monstercat Release]. 2.Pegboard Nerds & Grabbitz - All Alone [Monstercat Release]. Pegboard Nerds - Just Like That (feat. Johnn...
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