hearthstone opening packs
First opening of 15 Hearthstone packs - Hitting the JACKPOT
Please make sure to SUBSCRIBE and LIKE the video for more awesome Hearthstone openings and other Hearthstone related content. 2nd Opening of 5 packs with some REAL V...
Hearthstone: Opening 40 Packs, Many Legendaries!
Zagus opens 40 packs of cards in Hearthstone with some nice luck. |--| Check me on Facebook.
Hearthstone (Gameplay) - 40 Pack Opening #7 - Legendary Redemption! - Goblins vs Gnomes Set
Hearthstone Legendary Pack Opening Redemption. I am cracking open 40 Hearthstone Goblins vs Gnomes set packs to get my collection where it needs to be to play Shaman...