Fallout 4 - Fountain AKA "Communal Drinking Basin" - All Companions Comments
All companions comment on Fallon's department store fountain. Deacon, Curie, Strong and Ada don't say anything. Mods used:. Proto Vault Suit by nitronizer.
Fallout 4 - Harvard Square - All Companions Comments
All companions comment on College Square filled with feral ghouls. MacCready, Strong and Ada don't say anything. Mods used:. MiscHairstyle / MoreHairstyles for male...
Fallout 4 Арена 10 Выпуск Битвы Напарников Часть Вторая
Десятый юбилейный выпуск арены, вторая часть. В ролике напарники сражаются между собой с разнообразным оружием ближнего боя, благодаря платформам добавленным с допол...
Fallout 4 - Back from the Institute - All Companions Reactions
All companions' reactions when seeing the player return from the Institute after using the teleporter during 'The Molecular Level' main quest. X6 is not a companion...