glass needles
Destiny - Xur Location & Inventory for 6-3-16 / June 03, 2016
Xur Location 6/3/16 / 6-3-16, 06-03-2016, 06/03/16. Quick video showing his inventory and location. Xur is currently located in the Tower and he can be found down b...
Xur's Selling Graviton Forfeit Exotic Helmet! Destiny New Year 2 Upgraded Exotic Gear & Location!
Thank You For Watching This MorninAfterKill Video. Did You Enjoy This Video. Would you like to see more. Check Here. |--| Destiny -.
Destiny - Xur Location & Inventory for 5-27-16 / May 27, 2016
Xur Location 5/27/16 / 5-27-16, 05-27-2716, 05/27/16. Quick video showing his inventory and location. Xur is currently located in a different spot this time around....
Destiny - Xur Location & Inventory for 5-20-16 / May 20, 2016
Xur Location 5/20/16 / 5-20-16, 05-20-2016, 05/20/16. Quick video showing his inventory and location. Xur is currently located at in the Tower and he can be found d...
Xur's Selling Khepri's Sting & Universal Remote! Destiny New Year 2 Upgraded Exotic Gear & Location!
Thank You For Watching This MorninAfterKill Video. Did You Enjoy This Video. Would you like to see more. Check Here. |--| Destiny -.
Destiny: Xur Day! 20/05/2016! UNIVERSAL REMOTE!
Xur is selling The Glass House for the Titan, Khepris Sting for the Hunter and The Sun Breakers for the Warlock. The weapon is Universal Remote..