gamer next door
Bayonetta 2 - Hot Pepper Game Review ft. Pamela Horton
The fans wanted it, so we delivered. Here's Pamela Horton (Playboy Playmate, Gamer Next Door, and also a person who looks A LOT like Bayonetta) reviewing Bayonetta 2...
Pam and Andrea are Not Impressed by Virtual Reality
Andrea Rene of GND Weekly stops by Playboy Headquarters to play the Oculus Rift with Pam. Watch as these two immerse themselves in space, play Lucky Tale, and much m...
Disney Infinity Cancelled, Star Wars Battlefront 2 & Pokemon's Sun and Moon Starters - GND Weekly
Andrea Rene talks about this week's news with Disney Infinity cancelled, The Witcher 3's expansion pack, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and so much more on this episode of...