first gym
Pokémon Light Platinum #45 - HEITIR VS AIZEN / NOVO GINÁSIO!!
Episódio 45 da nossa série de POKÉMON LIGHT PLATINUM!. |--| Espero que gostem!. Se possível, deixe seu gostei e inscreva-se. Meu outro canal:.
Valley Windworks + Struggles! - Pokemon Platinum Bidoof Only Run Part 5
So today we head into the Valley Windworks to take on Team Galactic again and then make our way to Eterna Forest while getting a little bit. destroyed on the way the...
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Walkthrough Part 7: Gym Leader Roxanne
In this episode, we check out Rustboro City and take on the first Gym Leader - Roxanne. instagram: @ogbrose.