fallout sanctuary
Fallout 4 Gameplay - Part 1 - Mole Rat Den - (T.K.)
TAGS:. fallout, Fallout, fallout 4, fallout4, Fallout 4, Fallout4, battle, Battle, fallout gameplay, fallout gameplay intro, fallout gameplay part 1, fallout sanctua...
Fallout 4 Gameplay - Part 3 - Drumlin Diner - (T.K.)
In this video, we make a trip down to Diamond City, but first we make a stop at the Drumlin Diner and help out Trudy with the Chem addicts, the Wolfgang. After we fi...
Fallout 4 - Part 4 - Diamond City - (T.K.)
In this video, we complete our journey to Diamond City, although that's as far as we get, while traveling, we make a few stops at some key places (as well as others...
Fallout 4 Gameplay - Part 5 - Out Of Time Conclusion - (T.K.)
In this video, we complete the Out of Time quest, but first we complete some business in Diamond City, finally getting Piper as our companion, getting an important w...
Fallout 4 Gameplay - Part 6 - Concord Business - (T.K.)
Tags:. fallout, Fallout, fallout 4, fallout4, Fallout 4, Fallout4, battle, Battle, fallout gameplay, fallout gameplay part 6, fallout sanctuary, part 6, location, va...
Fallout 4 Gameplay - Part 7 - When Freedom Calls - (T.K.)
In this video, we begin When Freedom Calls quest, and we start off by going revolutionary. We use the laser musket to kill some of the Raiders that are in the immedi...