fallout 4 far harbor exploration
Fallout 4- Far Harbor Playthrough part 9- Acadia
Fallout 4 Far Harbor Playthrough: Part 9- Acadia. So we start off by finally talking to nick and getting everything out in the open. He wants us to keep an eye out f...
Fallout 4- Far Harbor Playthrough part 7- Brain Dead
Fallout 4 Far Harbor Playthrough: Part 7- Brain Dead. After we interrogated Ada, we move onto the hoarders Julianna Briggs and Bert Riggs. They are having a fight wh...
Fallout 4- Far Harbor Playthrough part 6- Vault 118
Fallout 4 Far Harbor Playthrough: Part 6- Vault 118. So we start off by killing the cool that rudely attacked us at the beginning. We progress into the Cliff's Edge...