Metal Gear Solid 3 -- (21/28) Turd Missiles and Sewer Levels
Wherein Brickroad dies in an alternate universe, has more than enough toilet paper, and doesn't shoot any frogs. Please remember to Like and Subscribe. ▶ Patreon:.
Metal Gear Solid 3 -- (20/28) In Glorious Standard Definition!
Wherein Brickroad continues to get the absolute everloving crap kicked out of himself, admires Lightning's legs, and doesn't shoot any frogs. Please remember to Like...
Metal Gear Solid 3 -- (19/28) Hot Times in Groznyj Grad
Wherein Brickroad knocks out a row of dudes with a door, gets the absolute everloving crap kicked out of himself, and shoots four frogs. Please remember to Like and...
14. Advent Palace - Haven Troopers (Act 1) - MGS4: Guns of The Patriots (2008) - Extended
Titel: Metal Gear Solid 4 - Guns of The Patriots. Japanischer Titel: Metaru Gia Soriddo 4. Transkription: メタルギアソリッド4. Erscheinungsjahr: 2008 (PlayStation 3)...
6. Act Beginning - New Mission - MGS4: Guns of The Patriots (2008) OST
Titel: Metal Gear Solid 4 - Guns of The Patriots. Japanischer Titel: Metaru Gia Soriddo 4. Transkription: メタルギアソリッド4. Erscheinungsjahr: 2008 (PlayStation 3)...
4. Old Snake (Main Menu) - MGS4: Guns of The Patriots (2008) - Extended
Titel: Metal Gear Solid 4 - Guns of The Patriots. Japanischer Titel: Metaru Gia Soriddo 4. Transkription: メタルギアソリッド4. Erscheinungsjahr: 2008 (PlayStation 3)...
Cutscenes servem para te ajudar a ficar por dentro do que esta acontecendo por dentro dos games. Mas as vezes elas podem te confundir muito e bugar a sua mente. Conf...
Let's Play Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain #33 (Part 3) - Skull Face II
Nachdem wir unserem kleinem Soldaten Eli noch einmal gezeigt haben, wer hier der Boss ist, machen wir uns endlich auf, Rache an unserem Feind zu nehmen: Skull Face....
Metal Gear Solid 3 -- (15/28) The End of The End
Wherein Brickroad forgets to dig out a tranquilizer dart, dodges an old man's dentures, and shoots four frogs. Please remember to Like and Subscribe. ▶ Patreon:.
Metal Gear Solid 3 -- (16/28) Sexy Leopard Print Pajamas
Wherein Brickroad continues to butcher Russian pronounciation, blows himself up with an RPG, and shoots three frogs. Please remember to Like and Subscribe. ▶ Patreon...
(choose ASCPA as your charity!). Tara Babcock. PO Box 3246. Renton, WA 98056. Check out my sponsor, Kinguin and get 3% off any game. Use code "TARA".
IK KRIJG WAT EVA WILT!! - Minecraft Pixelmon #18
Minecraft Team Skywars - bit.ly/TeamSkywarsTDT. Minecraft Server Survival - bit.ly/ServerSurvivalTDT. Beste kijkers - welkom op de TheDutchTerms. Op mijn kanaal vind...