Dragon Age Resurgence - Session 3 (Pt. 4/4) New Party Member
Cedric confides with Haliserre and Hue. Then the rest of the Penta'Viv Guardians decide what their next move is with Gwenhael. An old friends joins the party, but wh...
Dragon Age Resurgence - Session 3 (Pt. 1/4) Recognizing His Backside
The Penta'Viv Guardians finally return back to their "home plane" in Orlais. But where in Orlais are they right now?.
Dragon Age Resurgence - VLOG #1
In this new series, the players of Dragon Age Resurgence discuss Session 1 with their thoughts, musings, and questions. Dragon Age Resurgence Playlist:.
Let's Replay Dragon Age Inquisition - Part 37 Pushover
At long last, we defeat Corypheus once and for all and party hearty afterwards!.