dungeons dragons game
Things get Creepy in Fausthaven Live 5E D&D Game Play
Things get Creepy in Fausthaven Live 5E D&D Game Play. The Company of the NAG are called to investigate some strange goings ons at local business of Fausthaven. Duri...
Mistborn Adventure Game - Alloy of Law One Shot #1, Part 2 - McFanny
Mistborn is the award winning bestselling book series by Brandon Sanderson that is pretty awesome ( go read them ). Mistborn RPG is a release by Crafty Games, made w...
Neverwinter (PC) First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"
____________________________________________. In this video I try out a free to play MMORPG released in 2013 called Dungeons And Dragons Neverwinter on PC, Neverwint...