dota 2 carry
Dota 2 ecko coaching Jugg 4k - ONE GAME PER WEEK?
This lesson kinda rustled my jimmies, but really it's just a standard carry lesson from 6.86. I'm ecko, a 6.5k player with some competitive DotA experience and a lot...
Dota 2 ecko coaching 3.1k support - DotA prodigy?
This dude had a crazy win rate and a very small amount of games played for his skill level/experience. Lesson was in 6.86, still lots of useful stuff to learn from....
Dota 2 ecko coaching Batrider middle 3.1 - Decision making
6.86 Batrider stuff, we spend a lot of time talking about how to go about making better decisions in regards to ganking. I'm ecko, a 6.5k player with some competitiv...
Dota 2 ecko coaching Bounty Hunter 2.8k - Optimizing your movements
6.86 roaming BH lesson, we spent a LOT of time talking about how important moving efficiently is. I'm ecko, a 6.5k player with some competitive DotA experience and a...
Dota 2 ecko coaching Phantom Lancer 3k - Creep equilibrium nuances
The first 15-20 minutes of this session we go really in detail about what causes double ranged waves/double waves in the safelane, and more importantly how to avoid...
Top Offlane Heroes in 6.87 | Dota 2 Guide for Patch 6.87
Thank you for watching. If you have any questions or want to get in touch with us, please send an email at and we will get back to you shortly....
Dota 2 ecko coL vs. Fnatic Epicenter Game 2 VOD review
chill vod review i did on monday's stream, i kinda like this style where i just watch the vods as i would normally if i wanted to extract information about a patch o...
Empire miposhka 7256mmr Night Stalker Dota 2 Gameplay
Empire miposhka 7256mmr Night Stalker Dota 2 Gameplay.
Dota 2 ecko coaching 4.3k flamer - Anti toxicity verbal lesson
Verbal lesson on dealing with rage/trying to figure out what makes you angry/want to flame teammates + some Invoker play for the last half. I'm ecko, a 6.5k player w...
Invoker Ability Combos, Orbs and Tricks | Dota 2 Hero Guide for Invoker |
Thank you for watching. If you have any questions or want to get in touch with us, please send an email at and we will get back to you shortly....
Dota 2 ecko coaching Ember Spirit 2.4k - JUST GO IN! Committing to fights
This session we talked a lot about just committing to fights in lane and teamfights and such, in addition to the standard carry stuff we always talk about. Good less...
Dota 2 ecko coaching Queen of Pain 3.1k - Positioning in winning matchups
6.87 QoP replay analysis, we spend a lot of time talking about fundamental laning skills/positioning. Good lesson to watch for any core player imo. I'm ecko, a 6.5k...
Dota 2 ecko coaching Luna 2.9k - Territory Wars
Standard 6.86 carry lesson with a focus on positioning in lanes where if you misstep you die. Thanks for being so patient with the 6.86 videos guys, I've got a prett...
Pro Tournament Announcement | ProDotaCup | Dota 2
Thank you for watching. If you have any questions or want to get in touch with us, please send an email at and we will get back to you shortly....
Dota 2 ecko coaching 4k Invoker Habits of high MMR players
6.86 Invoker lesson, fairly standard stuff with some emphasis on early game laning theory and mentality/habits of higher mmr players towards the end. I'm ecko, a 6.5...