Fallout 4 - Deacon Mentions Project Purity & Capital Wasteland
He'll say that when walking through any wet area, not only inside the Corvega plant. Mods used:. FluffyNinjaLlama shorts and T-shirt by jet4571.
Let's Play Fallout 4 #3 | Settling Sanctuary
We're home, for now. Welcome back to Let's Play Fallout 4. We're going to get a little bit of work done around Sacntuary. Since this is home for now, we gotta make i...
Fallout 4 - Harvard Square - All Companions Comments
All companions comment on College Square filled with feral ghouls. MacCready, Strong and Ada don't say anything. Mods used:. MiscHairstyle / MoreHairstyles for male...
Fallout 4 Арена 10 Выпуск Битвы Напарников Часть Вторая
Десятый юбилейный выпуск арены, вторая часть. В ролике напарники сражаются между собой с разнообразным оружием ближнего боя, благодаря платформам добавленным с допол...
Fallout 4 - Back from the Institute - All Companions Reactions
All companions' reactions when seeing the player return from the Institute after using the teleporter during 'The Molecular Level' main quest. X6 is not a companion...
DOTA 2 with Deacs | "Manila Battle Pass!"
"HOYPE." - Fury, 2016. This is my Let's Play of DOTA 2. Join me as I attempt to actually win pub games. or you can just laugh at how bad I am. my rise to the top. My...