Destiny: LEGENDARY WEAPON ENGRAM OPENING X10 - WORST LUCK EVER - Destiny Cryptarch Decoding Gameplay
In this video I will be decoding / opening 10 Legendary Weapon Engrams in Destiny The Taken King. I will be decoding them with the Cryptarch to see what I get. The E...
Destiny: EXOTIC ENGRAM OPENING X10 “335 EXOTICS” Destiny Cryptarch Decoding Gameplay
In this video I will be decoding / opening 10 Exotic Engrams in Destiny The Taken King. I will be decoding them with the Cryptarch to see what I get. The Engrams wil...
THE APRIL UPDATE IS HERE!! | Random Destiny | Ep. 5 ft. Trey
If you enjoyed watching the video, be sure to leave a like and even comment if you really want to. It really does help me out. If you wanna go the extra mile and wan...
Destiny - 15 Crucible Package Openings | God Year 2 Y-09 LONGBOW SYNTHESIS
The Division takes place in mid-crisis Manhattan, an open world with destructive environments that are free for players to explore. The player's mission is to restor...
Destiny - *EXOTIC FARMING* Does it work post April Update?
How has the exotic farm worked out for you. Perhaps my luck was out that day. If you want me to try it again, let me know in the comments. Thank you for checking out...
Destiny: Live Sterling Treasure & Exotic Engram Opening!
Hey guys, in this video I'm opening up a ton of sterling treasure packages and exotic engram live, enjoy. Use code "nKuch" for 5% of all ScufGaming products.
Lets Play - Destiny: a Titan's Tale 1
Let's Play - Destiny: a Titan's Tale. Hi Guys, in this playthrough I am going to play Destiny the Game from the start as a titan and fight my way through the story m...