A History of PC Gaming, Part 1 (1950-1980)
- DO YOU EVEN 2-D GAME, BRUH. Video games have come a long way in such a short period. PC games are no exception - and in the 50s-80s, they were just getting started...
Retro Response - To Retronic Collector: My Top 5 Playstation 2 Games
Newcomer to youtube, Retronic Collectors talks about his top 5 Playstation 2 games, so I talk about mine in a response. As you do. Retronic Collector's original vide...
We Three Gamers - Pilot - Classic Gaming
EchoThruMe, GamerGuyInASuit, and I , the experts in gaming take on SuperAnago in our brand new show dedicated to the knowledge and history of gaming as a whole. We T...