censored gaming
Hot Banned Video Game Ads - Censored Gaming
This video takes a look at the video game ads that were banned for being too hot. This video includes:. Davis Cup Tennis/Davis Cup World Tour's ass shot advert. Top...
The Boobs Censored In Japan - Censored Gaming
Which region censors boobs more. The US, Europe, Australia. or Japan. This video includes:. God Of War 3. LA Noire. Far Cry 3. Red Dead Redemption. Dragon Age Inquis...
God Of War 3 Censorship - Censored Gaming
This video compares the censorship made to God Of War 3 in Japan and in God Of War 3 Remastered worldwide. This video includes:. Censoring multiple Trophies in GoW3...
Does the Dead Island series have the most censored box art/covers of all time. Even the logo had to be censored in the US. This video includes:. Dead Island 1. Dead...
Censored Gaming Patreon - Censored Anime??
Censored Gaming is the definitive resource for censorship - committed to covering every example of video game censorship. Make sure you have subscribed to stay up-to...
Style Savvy/Style Boutique Censorship - Censored Gaming Ft. SharkyHatGamer
This video compares the censorship made to the Style Savvy/Style Boutique series outside of Japan. This video includes:. Changing Pario's sex from male to female, re...
Toy Story 2 Censorship - Censored Gaming
Censored Gaming is the definitive resource for censorship - committed to covering every example of video game censorship. Make sure you have subscribed to stay up-to...
Persona 2 (Series) Censorship - Censored Gaming Ft. Gnoggin
This video compares the censorship made to Shin Megami Tensei Persona 2 Innocent Sin on the PSP and Persona 2 Eternal Punishment outside of Japan. This censorship in...
The Witcher 3 Blood And Wine - Nude Painting Model (Uncensored/Censored Comparison)
(We will be rewarded for purchases made using this link which will then be put back into the channel.). Check the playlist out for more Raw Comparisons:.
The Witcher 3 Blood And Wine - Bruxa Enemies' Nudity (Uncensored/Censored Comparison)
(We will be rewarded for purchases made using this link which will then be put back into the channel.). Check the playlist out for more Uncensored/Censored Compariso...
The Witcher 3 Blood And Wine - Regis Stabbed In The Chest (Uncensored/Censored Comparison)
(We will be rewarded for purchases made using this link which will then be put back into the channel.). Check the playlist out for more Uncensored/Censored Compariso...
Government Wants to Punish Sexism in Video Games
SJW's have infiltrated the government and now seek to punish developers whom they deem sexist. But what is sexist. VGN Video Game News:.
Sexual Lyrics Get Hatsune Miku Game Pulled From Korean Stores
Censored Gaming is the definitive resource for censorship - committed to covering every example of video game censorship. Make sure you have subscribed to stay up-to...