black soul empire
League of Legends: Justicar Syndra - Mid - SR (Respect the Burst)
Playing Syndra in the mid lane on a normal game, I out traded the Ryze and capitalized on some mistakes that their jungler made; ended up getting fed and manged to h...
League of Legends: Volcanic Wukong -Top - SR(You're in the wrong part of town!!)
Playing Wukong Top in a normal. I went tanky and got some kills even though my teammates weren't doing so well. We ended up team fighting well and getting picks, so...
League of Legends: Rugged Garen - OfA (Spin to win!!)
Playing Garen in the One for All game mode, I thought it was going to be a long game; but it ended up being a stomp. The next few videos will be a bit longer cause I...