black and white
POKEMON BLACK & WHITE (Honest Game Trailers en Español
De los desarrolladores del exactamente la misma idea por veinte años, llega la 5ta generacion de exactamente el mismo juego una y otra y otra y otra vez. Pokemon Bla...
Pokémon is one of the most engaging handheld games out there. but it's a little easy. Why don't we up the challenge a little. The fighting monsters have started to s...
Reshiram/Typhlosion LEGACY FORMAT Reshiram Loves Afterburners - Pokemon TCG Online
Aye bringing you guys some more legacy decks. The beauty of the legacy format is that decks that take a while to set up are actually viable. Reshiram takes names whi...
Pokemon Sun And Moon Theory | Solgaleo’s Origin And Why He Is NOT A Fire Type
Solgaleo may be one of the most interested legendary Pokemon we have ever gotten. I always find it fascinating how much lore and backstory some of these legends real...
The Sims 4: Spa Day Tiny House
Modern tiny home, a sort of remake of the last tiny home I did. Spa Day Pack. Subscribe for more Sims 4 tiny home builds every Tuesday and Thursdays. Terminal by Kev...
Medicham/Regirock EX! World’s Strongest Medicham Take 4 Prizes In One Turn! - Pokemon TCG Online
Medicham has always been one of my favorite pokemon and being able to boost its attack by basically 80 (attacking twice) just by benching regirocks is mad scary. tha...
Pokémon is one of the most engaging handheld games out there. Why don't we up the challenge a little with a Nuzlocke. Subscribe Today.
Ninetales/Amoonguss (Sporprise) CHEAP BUDGET FRIENDLY LEGACY DECK! - Pokemon TCG Online
Todays Legacy deck is more on the budget side of things so hopefully everyone watching can build it. The ability to hit 180 turn 2 is so powerful. and we definitely...
The Universim | A NEW BREED OF GOD GAME (Pre-Alpha Gameplay)
Yes the title is a pun. |--| Anyway, THE UNIVERSIM. FINALLY. It's a pretty cool little game considering it's only in pre-alpha. ★ Buy the game :.
Garchomp/Altaria “FluffyChomp” LEGACY FORMAT! Simple, Adorable And Powerful! –Pokemon TCG Online
100 “likes” for A Massive Undaunted Pack Opening Video Tomorrow. Aye we coming back strong with a legacy deck ive been testing for the last week or so. Very easy to...
Fight Alone Lucario! THE CHEAPEST & STRONGEST FATES COLLIDE DECK! No Shaymins! - Pokemon TCG Online
The fates collide hype train is rolling harder than ever and today we are going to be playing a deck that I have been testing the last couple of days. I honestly enj...
Starter Pokemon & Legendaries! - Pokémon Sun and Moon Reaction - Tyler Reacts - FUgameCrue
Tyler of the critically acclaimed Youtube smash hit "Game Pursuers"™ reacts to his very first viewing of the newest Pokémon Sun and Moon trailer as well as the new...
Opening 50 HeartGold SoulSilver UNLEASHED Booster Packs - Pokemon TCG Online
Was finally able to get my hands on 50 of these bad boys, lets crack them open. This set featuring some of the oldest cards you can in PTCGO can our pack luck contin...
(garrys Mod) (film) Toy Story Film Noir
This was my first attempt at making anything animated, which turned into me more or less falling back on doing the whole project in garrys mod..
6 Games That Will Mess With Your Mind
Reality is warped and brains are blown as Chris & Jamie take you through the games that could result in a complete mental breakdown after screwing with your head qui...
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