anita sarkeesian
Summary of Gamergate, Anita Sarkeesian, Anti-Feminism and Feminism in Gaming
This is a comprehensive overview and summary of the #gamergate controversy, feminism, and anti-feminism movement that has arisen in gaming. Is gamergate about ethics...
Government Wants to Punish Sexism in Video Games
SJW's have infiltrated the government and now seek to punish developers whom they deem sexist. But what is sexist. VGN Video Game News:.
Zoe Quinn inspires women to get into gaming, suck it #GamerGate!
Yeah, you want some revisionism to be on the "right side of history" in video games, feminists & SJW's. Ha, your idols needs to surpass them and I'm just getting sta...
Dwork Wars: Has Andrea Dworkin Turned Gaming To The Dark Side? (Gamers Guide to Feminism)
Content warning: contains some sensitive material and a lot of disturbing Andrea Dworkin quotes. Your Patreon dollars fund these videos. Please consider supporting a...
Tropes Vs My Oven - Minecraft is the worst game ever
Thanks for not donating to my Kickstarter shitlords. No DVD box sets for any of you lot. Introducing the lovely and creepy Tranita Mannesian in her debut into profes...