Gaming Commentary #1: Rant on Elsa and Spiderman Channel, Lean, Life and Prom
Hey everyone. New video with gaming commentary. Sorry for the potato, I was using a phone to record, so I apologize for the ghetto recording. Today's video discusses...
Lietuviškai League Of Legends - Teemo Skill MLG
Jei norite dar pamatyti prenumeruokite mano kanalą. |--| Vertinkite, komentuokite, dalinkitės, prenumeruokite. Dėkui už palaikymą!.
Let's Play Grand Theft Auto IV - Part 38: The Book of Daniel Prologue
Not as intricate or exciting as the heist missions in GTA5, but this mission is still pretty neat. At least one new Let's Watch this week, as well as Lego Star Wars...