Let's Play League of Legends A-Z #5 [ENG] | Amumu Jungle | Best Amumu EUW... *rofl*
Yes, it's not in german as it was before. I changed because wanted to reach more people with my videos and I think that my viewers, which I had until now understand...
Let's Play League of Legends A-Z #2 [ENG] | Ahri Mid | Cutie Mid-Lane
Yes, it's not in german as it was before. I changed because wanted to reach more people with my videos and I think that my viewers, which I had until now understand...
Let's Play League of Legends #37 [Ger] | Draven ADC | I love Draaaaven
Draaaaaaaaven. Wenn euch das Video gefällt, könnt ihr mir gerne einen Daumen hoch geben. Über Feedback von euch würde ich mich sehr freuen und falls ihr Verbesserung...