Vladimir Top Ranked Patch 6 3 League of Legends 99
League Of Legends // Lee Sin (Ranked)
Boas pessoal, sou o Flamer e aqui está mais um video. |--| Espero que gostem. |--| Like e subscrevam. ◆Musicas que eu uso:.
League of Legends Ranked
Noch eine Rund League of Legends mit den selben. Twitch account von Sicktale:.
League of Legends :Ranked
I am playing ranked with my friends until my friend is silver 4. I will try to play adc for the majority of these games..
Goku as Veigar Mid #68 - SoloQ Ranked BR - Patch 6.9
League of Legends Replay da partida completa, Operation Kino Goku as Veigar Mid Vs. Yasuo SoloQ Ranked BR, Patch 6.9. -- Runas e Mastery.
Riven vs Ekko TOP Ranked Challenger NA [Patch 6.9]
League of Legends Gameplay Riven vs Ekko Top Lane Match Up. Pro Replay Patch 6.9 North America Server Season 6. Runes and Masteries:.
Carry Top Fiora [ Patch 5.17 Ranked 5v5 Highlights ]
Some nice actions from 5v5 ranked games. I recommend this champion, after rework she is very strong at the moment and she is quite easy (played only once before thos...
PROTOBELT SORAKA JUNGLE! - League of Legends Patch 6.9 - Full Gameplay Commentary
Hey everyone, I wanted to do some Jungle Taliyah gameplay but it's so hard to get her on PBE that getting a game good enough to commentate was incredibly difficult....
Replay BM.QTV Stream Top Tryndam vs Garen - Patch 6.4 VN 4 - 3 - 2016 | League of Legends Season 6
Replay BM.QTV Stream Top Tryndam vs Garen - Patch 6.4 VN 4 - 3 - 2016 | League of Legends Season 6. Thanks for watching.
Gripex Stream Lee Sin vs KhaZix - JUNGLE - Full Gameplay Patch 6.9 | League Of Legends
Gripex Stream Lee Sin vs KhaZix - JUNGLE - Full Gameplay Patch 6.9 | League Of Legends. League of Legends (abbreviated LoL or just League) is a free-to-play multipla...
Senpai ist traurig... Trinity Force Change - PBE Patch Notes | League of Legends
Ich betrachte zwar sonst alle Changes objektiv,. aber ich weiß, dass der Change ein klarer Nerf. für AD GP ist und Riot mal wieder einen ihrer. berühmten Fehler mach...
League of Legends German Gameplay #175 - Annie Midlane vs Twisted Fate [Patch 6.10]
Willkommen zu einem weiteren League of Legends German Gameplay meiner Let's Play Reihe. |--| Ich spiele dieses Online Game schon sehr lange auf Platin bis Diamond Ni...
League of Legends: Sion Level 1 Solo Dragon without Heal Season 6 (Patch 6.10)
Sion soloing Mountain Drake without Heal at level 1. |--| 0:07 (press 1) Runes and Masteries. 2:27 Dragon. Tips:. The first dragon spawns at 2:30. |--| You will need...
Ryze Combo Guide! Season 6 (Patch 6.9) - (German/Deutsch) | League of Legends
Moin Leute heute mal mit einem Combo Guide zu Ryze da der in diesem Patch ja mega broken ist :P. Bei 100 Likes kommt der Guide. also vergewaltigt mal richtig den Lik...
Test ZIGGS REWORK PATCH 6.9 - La bonne prise de Tour - League of legends
Gameplay League of Legends - Ziggs Patch 6.9 - Rework. - Si t'aimes bien ce que je fais, hésite pas à me le faire savoir en t'abonnant et en lâchant un pouce bleu fr...
Kayle Gameplay Mid, Buffed AP Counter Build - League of Legends Season 6 Patch 6.11
From the League of Legends Beta Server, the PBE, Patch 6.11 Cycle, comes a gameplay guide to Kayle Mid, leveraging the reduced cost of Wit's End. |--| Learn about an...
League of Legends | Ranked Highlights #1
Music:. Niklas Gustavsson – Dirty Boombox 3 – Beats , Old School. Niklas Gustavsson – Dirty Boombox 4. You are welcome.
build up to ranked on league of legends
watch me play a game with veigar, a new champion i got. I will post more vids in the near future. -- Watch live at.
LoL best of Ranked #2 - League of Legends | AtlanticStormTV
|-- Klapp mich auf --|. Viel Spaß mit dem zweiten Teil der ''best of'' Serie. |--| Im nächsten Teil wird es nichtmehr zu Seitenrändern kommen und die allgemeine Vide...
League of legends Lee Sin Jungle #3 Ranked
Hope you guys have enjoyed today i didn't record the Loading screen but i hope you guys don't mine and Make sure to leave a like and Subscribe For more League conten...
League of Legends #15 Ranked jungle/mid
Und es geht weiter auf meinem Weg Richtung Gold Mit Jungle und Midlanern. Vielleicht gehts heute mal wieder zurück zu Shaco :3. Viel spaß dabei.
bienvenidos sean al directo de mi canal espero lo disfruten :3.
League of Legends "Ranked" Montage #2
Ich hoffe euch hat das Video gefallen , lasst doch eine Positive Bewertung da :D. Wenn ihr mehr Videos wollt , dann lasst es mich mit einem Abo wissen ;D. Spiel : Le...
League Of Legends // Quinn (Ranked)
Boas pessoal, sou o Flamer e aqui está mais um video. |--| Espero que gostem. |--| Like e subscrevam. ◆Musicas que eu uso:.
League of Legends #9 Kung Fu (2) RANKED!
Kung Fu Part 2. Viel Spaß :D. Über ein Daumen nach oben würde ich mich freuen. Musik. Distrion & Electro-Light - You And Me.
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