Vladimir Top Ranked Patch 6 3 League of Legends 99
Patch Notes 6.9: Champion Updates (League of Legends)
Patch Notes 6.9: Champion Updates (League of Legends). Please don't forget to Subscribe to my YouTube channel at :.
EDG PawN KINDRED Top vs Maokai - Patch 6.9 KR | League of Legends
EDG PawN KINDRED Top Lane vs Maokai - Patch 6.9 KR | League of Legends. GAME TYPE: Ranked Solo 5v5. REGION: Korean. TIER AVERAGE: Challenger. Patch: 6.9. Runes & Mas...
TSM Bjergsen LULU Mid vs LeBlanc - Patch 6.8 NA | League of Legends
TSM Bjergsen LULU Mid Lane vs LeBlanc - Patch 6.8 NA | League of Legends. GAME TYPE: Ranked Solo 5v5. REGION: North America. TIER AVERAGE: Challenger. Patch: 6.8. Ru...
[RO] AP Udyr Jungle Patch 6.9 - League of Legends Gameplay
Periferice:. ● Casti : Sony MDR-V55. ● Microfon : Somic Danyin DM-028. ● Mouse : Redragon LavaWolf. ● Tastatura : Redragon Karura.
SKT T1 Duke SWAIN Top vs Ryze - Patch 6.10 KR | League of Legends
SKT T1 Duke SWAIN Top vs Ryze - Patch 6.10 KR | League of Legends. GAME TYPE: Ranked Solo 5v5. REGION: Korean. TIER AVERAGE: Challenger. Patch: 6.10. Runes & Masteri...
League of Legends Ahri Guide | Season 6 | Patch 6.10
0:40 - Pros & Cons. 2:04 - Masteries. 2:45 - Runes. 3:54 - Summoners. 4:46 - Abilities. 11:16 - Ability Leveling Order. 11:49 - Item Build. 14:09 - Hard Matchups. Ac...
EDG Deft TRISTANA ADC vs Ezreal - Patch 6.10 KR | League of Legends
EDG Deft TRISTANA ADC vs Ezreal - Patch 6.10 KR | League of Legends. GAME TYPE: Ranked Solo 5v5. REGION: Korean. TIER AVERAGE: Challenger. Patch: 6.10. Runes & Maste...
7 KOREAN OP PICKS SO FAR IN PATCH 6.9 - Builds & Masteries etc (League of Legends)
While everything is up in the air with patch 6.9, these are some stand out picks from Korea. |--| ♦ Enjoy the video. Please Like and Subscribe.
OP CHAMPS, BIGGEST NERFS & BUFFS - Patch 6.7 - League of Legends
Going Over Biggest NERFS/BUFFS & Potential OP Champs In Patch 6.7. "Like" if you want more. |--| →Video made with help from Proguides:.
Top 10 Korean Solo Queue Champions - Patch 6.4 - League of Legends
Top 10 Korean Solo Queue Champions, The Best Of The Best. 'LIKE' If You Enjoyed. |--| →GOD TIER Mid Laners Low ELO:.
Top 5 Mid Lane Champions Patch 6.8 by OG xPeke - Season 6 | League of Legends
The Mid Lane has potentially one of the deepest champion options while arguably one of the most important roles, needing to have both damage and roaming potential. O...
OP CHAMPS, BIGGEST NERFS & BUFFS - Patch 6.5 - League of Legends
Going over NERFS/BUFFS & Potential OP Champs In Patch 6.5. "Like" if you want more. |--| →Video made with help from Proguides:.
OP CHAMPS, BIGGEST BUFFS & NERFS - Patch 6.4 - League of Legends
First episode of a new series, going over NERFS/BUFFS & Potential OP Champs In Patch 6.4. "Like" if you want more. |--| →Video made with help from Proguides:.
MALZAHAR LVL 2 SOLO DRAGON | 6.10 patch (nerfed) - League of Legends
Malzahar Solo Dragon Level 2 Patch 6.10, he's still good. Follow me here. |--| →My Twitter:.
League of Legends: Level 1 Solo Dragon Season 6 (Patch 6.9)
Vi soloing Mountain Drake at level 1. |--| 0:07 (press 1) Runes and Masteries. 2:27 Dragon. Tips:. The first dragon spawns at 2:30. |--| You will need 3 cookies. |--...
AP Jhin vs Karma ( League of Legends ) Mid Fight Highlights - The Patch 6.9
League of Legends - LOL - Ap Jhin - Jhin vs Karma. The Patch 6.9 - Season 6 - Eu West - Low Elo - High Elo.
Urgot Jungle Gameplay - Pre-season Patch 5.22 - [League of Legends]
Felt like playing some solo q and testing out Urgot in the jungle for pre-season 5.22. He works ok I guess haha. You can also find on twitter @.
Azir vs Fizz - Patch 6.9 - LCS 's Midlane - League of Legends - Highlights
ElmReich - Azir playz - Season 6 - Patch 6.9. - ElmReich - Eu West Server - Leader of Darkh Club.
TOP 5 JUNGLERS for Solo Queue + in KOREA - Patch 6.9 (League of Legends)
First Top 5 with this new format, let me know what you think. It took way longer to create but hopefully is way more useful. ♦ Enjoy the video. Please Like and Subsc...
League of Legends: Zac Level 1 Solo Dragon Season 6 (Patch 6.9)
Zac soloing Cloud Drake at level 1. |--| 0:07 (press 1) Runes and Masteries. 2:27 Dragon. Tips:. The first dragon spawns at 2:30. |--| You will need 3 cookies. |--|...
League of Legends - Fizz mid! LIVE GAMEPLAY COMMENTARY!!! PATCH 6.9!
Hey guys. Ya boy coz here back at it again with Fizz in the mid lane. I did a lot of editing to this video to try out a different style of League video. Tell me what...
New Broken FIDDLESTICKS MID | Full Commentary | League of Legends | 6.9 Patch
New broken Fiddlesticks with full commentary and from patch 6.9. This was part of the mage update and now when he stands still you get a movement speed boost and his...
h4ss4nsbutt- Rageblade Vayne ADC Commentary Patch 6.9 League of Legends
Rageblade vayne is really strong because late game she can get her W damage off in two autos instead of three and that makes a big differenc. She can shred tanks and...
League Of Legends Season 6 Jungle Patch 6.9 LIVE 5-17-2016
League Of Legends live. Season 6 Jungle Patch 6.9 - CHALLENGER - Jungle Variety - UNLEASH YOUR INNER JUNGLER SPIRIT - WEEB FRIENDLY STREAM league of legends. league...
Patch Highlights 6.10 - League of Legends SHort Video Movie
With the release of the new patch update riot have followed up with a little presentation movie for the new rundown of the patch. |--| Disclaimer: I did not create t...
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