THE LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS Trailer 2016 Michael Fassbender
Angry Birds Movie Trailer 4 (2016)
The movie takes us to an island populated entirely by happy, flightless birds – or almost entirely. In this paradise, Red (Jason Sudeikis, We're the Millers, Horribl...
THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Trailer 2 (2016)
Note | The Lego Batman Movie trailer courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures Germany a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH. | All Rights Reserved. | KinoCheck®.
INDEPENDENCE DAY 2: Resurgence Official TV Trailer (2016)
| Release: Jun 24 2016. We always knew they were coming back. After Independence Day redefined the event movie genre, the next epic chapter delivers global spectacle...
Suicide Squad Official ALL Trailer (2016)
| Release: 18 Aug 2016. A secret government agency recruits imprisoned supervillains to execute dangerous black ops missions in exchange for clemency. Note - Suicide...
CAPTAIN AMERICA 3: Civil War Trailer 2 (2016)
| Release: 6 May 2016. Following the events of Age of Ultron, the collective governments of the world pass an act designed to regulate all superhuman activity. This...
THE ACCOUNTANT Movie TRAILER (Ben Affleck - 2016)
Christian Wolff (Ben Affleck) is a math savant with more affinity for numbers than people. Behind the cover of a small-town CPA office, he works as a freelance accou...
Uncharted 4 Cinematic Story Trailer PS4 2016 NEW
Uncharted 4 NEW Cinematic Story Trailer on PS4 2016. Twitter -.
Uncharted 4 New Full Cinematic Trailer 2016 PS4
Uncharted 4 New Full Cinematic Trailer 2016. Twitter -.
UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End (5/10/2016) - Gameplay Trailer | PS4
Several years after his last adventure, retired fortune hunter Nathan Drake is forced back into the world of thieves. With the stakes much more personal, Drake embar...
UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End (5/10/2016) - Story Trailer | PS4
Every treasure has its price. Watch the story trailer for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, coming May 10, 2016. Several years after his last adventure, retired fortune hu...
Five Nights at Freddy's 5 Official Trailer 2016
It's official and confirmed. Share too much on fb twitter and so on. Five Nights at Freddy's 5. Five Nights at Freddy's. Five Nights at Freddy's 5 trailer. Five Nigh...
THE TRIBE Movie TRAILER (Thriller - 2016)
A family of three young sisters live out their days after a pandemic has consumed most of the known world. One day a stranger suddenly shows up and their world becom...
O Contador (The Accountant, 2016) - Trailer Legendado
Sinopse: Um contador comum e educado (Ben Affleck) segue uma rotina aparentemente tranquila. O que as pessoas ao seu redor nem imaginam é que ele leva uma vida dupla...
Assassin's Creed (2016) - Trailer Legendado
Sinopse: Por meio de uma tecnologia revolucionária que destrava suas memórias genéticas, Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) experimenta as aventuras de seu ancestral,...
X-Men: Apocalipse (X-Men: Apocalypse, 2016) - Trailer 3 Legendado
Sinopse: Desde o início da civilização, ele era adorado como um deus. Apocalipse, o primeiro e mais poderoso mutante do universo X-Men da Marvel, acumulou os poderes...
Celular (Cell, 2016) - Trailer Legendado
Sinopse: Um dia, todos os telefones celulares do mundo sofrem a interferência de uma mesma pulsação, com consequências trágicas: as vítimas do acontecimento se torna...
Invocação do Mal 2 (The Conjuring 2, 2016) - Trailer 2 Dublado
Sinopse: Sete anos após os eventos de Invocação do Mal (2013), Lorraine (Vera Farmiga) e Ed Warren (Patrick Wilson) desembarcam na Inglaterra para ajudar uma família...
Uma Loucura de Mulher (2016) - Trailer Oficial
Sinopse: Lúcia e Gero estão juntos há 15 anos. Fugiram para se casar e ela acabou abandonando a dança, que era sua grande paixão, para apoiar a carreira do marido na...
O Bom Gigante Amigo (The BFG, 2016) - Trailer Legendado
Sinopse: A pequena órfã Sophie (Ruby Barnhill) encontra um gigante amigável que, apesar de sua aparência assustadora, se mostra uma alma bondosa, um ser renegado pel...
Approaching the Unknown (2016) - Trailer Legendado
Sinopse: Estrelado por Mark Strong e Luke Wilson, o filme mostrará William D. Stanaforth, um astronauta que fará uma viagem só de ia para Marte. A trama começa esque...
Swiss Army Man (2016) - Trailer Legendado
Sinopse: Hank (Paul Dano), um homem perdido numa ilha deserta, e sem esperanças, encontra um corpo (Daniel Radcliffe) no meio do caminho. Decidido em ficar amigo do...
THERAPY FOR A VAMPIRE Trailer (Comedy - 2016)
Vienna, 1930. Count von Kozsnom has lost his thirst for life, and his marriage cooled centuries ago. Fortunately, Sigmund Freud is accepting new patients; the good d...
ANOMALY Movie TRAILER (Horror - 2016)
The terrifying story of a family that experienced the biggest demonic possession after moving into a house plagued by malicious spirits. ANOMALY Movie TRAILER (Horro...
INFERNO Trailer Teaser | Tom Hanks (2016)
INFERNO Trailer Teaser | Tom Hanks (2016) | OT: (2016). October 2016. Academy Award® winner Ron Howard returns to direct the latest bestseller in Dan Brown’s (Da Vi...
A WEEKEND WITH THE FAMILY Trailer (2016) Comedy
A young attorney looks to gain a position at a prestigious law firm while secretly dating his boss daughter, who he's hoping to marry; but when his loving girlfriend...
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