SpawnPK Prodacy s Pk Commentary Ep 1 First look at the Ballista
COD MW2 - Super HYPE Commentary on Kirachi TDM - The Truth About COD 4 lol
I'm just a funny guy who happens to be black that plays Call of Duty, as well as League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, Garry's Mod, and a lot of other games..
I problemi di League of Legends! (Live commentary)
Scusate per qualche errore grammaticale (in verità non so manco se l'ho fatti o meno). Era doveroso fare un video di questo tipo perchè LoL viene letteralmente inqui...
Minecraft Survival Games + Gravity (no commentary)
hi guys please don't forget to comment some suggestions for more mini games. (and if possible please subscribe)..
League of Legends Jinx ADC LS runes (commentary)
Just playin Jinx with ls runes instead of attk speed, showing a bit of the different..
Contract Wars - RPK-74 Custom (Gameplay&Commentary)
You can search it also on or (Russian version of this game). 3D Unity game ( Browser,free 2 play). PC SPEC:. ATX Silverstone 500w. HDD 500gb...
Fizz Urf Gameplay - League of Legends (No commentary)
Hope you enjoy please leave a like and subscribe!!!.
Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 - Mtar Is OP - Bo2 Commentary
Twitter:PuReInSane. Instagram: Extremedennis. Steam:PuReLegitness. Twitter:PuReInSane. Instagram: Extremedennis. Steam:PuReLegitness. MY ORIGINAL TEXTUREPACK:.
The Sims 3 | Generations | Part 1 | Bad Commentary AND New Series!
~What Happened~. I made a family with 2 members and inspired by LifeSimmer to make a Sims 3 Generations LP I decided to make a sim that resembles Justine Fenderson f...
Call of Duty: Black Ops III: New DLC Zombies Map + First Commentary
If you have enjoyed please leave a like. If you want to see more zombies or any other game please leave a comment below, also subscribe if you are new.
League of Legends Ziggs mid Buffs? (commentary)
So Ziggs got a sneaky buff no one seems to know about yet :P.
Malzahar Urf Gameplay - League of Legends (No commentary)
Hope you enjoy please leave a like and subscribe!.
Call Of Duty BO3 NUK3TOWN Map Gameplay/Commentary
Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 Gameplay On The Map Of NUK3TOWN. Hey Guys!Im bringing back another video of me just simply playing Black Ops III. SHAREfactory™.
Grand Theft Auto V | Mission 3 | PS4 (No Commentary)
Mrleepickett. Here's the Third instalment. don't forget to leave a like comment and subscribe thanks. (Subscribe here).
Grand Theft Auto V | Tow Truck | PS4 (No Commentary)
Mrleepickett. here's the fifth instalment. Be sure to leave a like comment and Subscribe. thank you. (Subscribe here).
Minecraft Survival Games #10 | Post Commentary!?
Pozdrav svima. |--| Moje ime je ItzAndrej i ovo je nova epizoda Minecraft Survival Games-a. Enjoy. Bacite sub. ☑ Server IP - ☑ About me -. Google...
Playing Call of Duty-Heroes(with commentary)
Hello everyone,Rudra here and today I have a special video foryou guys based on a game I recently found called Call of Duty-Heroes with commentary.Thanks for watchin...
Contract Wars - AKS-74u Custom (Facecam&Commentary)
You can search it also on or (Russian version of this game). 3D Unity game ( Browser,free 2 play). PC SPEC:. ATX Silverstone 500w. HDD 500gb...
TOP GAMING MOMENTS THIS WEEK (minitage) /w commentary
MINITAGE GAMING. twitter:@assaf19999. Xbox Gt:NOgAmE wIth U. Hope you people enjoy this short minitage.
Do WE WANT Remastered Games or Sequels? | Gaming Commentary
Back to normal ain't nothin new but I do wanna make my descriptions more interesting so look at them in the future so for now enjoy da commentary and comment which w...
Call of Duty Black ops 2 Live Commentary
Thanks For Watching If You Would like to see more there is a big red button that says subscribe if you could hit the button it helps a lot. and motivates me to do mo...
League of Legends- Taliyah Top Commentary [GERMAN]
Thank you for watching. I hope you enjoyed♥. like and subscribe for more. Music by Riot.
Five Nights at Freddy's 3: Night 6 (no commentary) | EPIC WIN!!!
OH YEAH!. UP YOURS, SPRINGTRAP!!. This is me completing Night 6 (Nightmare) of Five Nights at Freddy's 3, with no commentary for two reasons: I don't have a microph...
Grand Theft Auto V | Chop | PS4 (No Commentary)
Mrleepickett. here's the sixth instalment. don't forget to like comment and subscribe. thank you :). (Subscribe here).
Azir Urf Gameplay - League of Legends (No commentary)
Hope you enjoy. Please leave a like and subscribe!.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II sniping commentary
Call of Duty: Black Ops II sniping commentary. I hope you enjoy this epic sniper commentary. I will upload more when summer starts on Thursday. Thanks for watching a...
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